Saturday, April 26, 2008


Story: Faced with an unplanned pregnancy, an offbeat young woman makes an unusual decision regarding her unborn child.

Review: I really enjoyed this movie. The characters were genuine and a pleasure to watch. The writer was able to capture a young teen with an adult size problem, so gracefully. Instead of her family ripping her apart for getting pregnant, this movie shows us a family that's in it together. Juno, knowing her limits decides to give up the child to a couple she finds in the Penny Saver. Juno soon finds out she isn't the only one who isn't ready for baby. This movie really allows us to see another side to teenage pregnancy, that there is more than one way to deal with it. Ellen Page shines as Juno. Page captured Juno's brains, strength and maturity in ways other films have not been able to duplicate. You just can't help but be drawn in by Juno's, quick quips, sense of self and her willingness to do what's best for her and her unborn child.

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