Thursday, May 17, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth is a must see film. For all those people who like Reality TV; well this is a net flick's rental that you can't afford to miss.

Al Gore does a brilliant job explaining how we came to royally mess up the environment and how we can reverse the tide of global warming. It's a fact filled film and it is told by our former Vice President of the United States. So, if you think he is being bias and you want to "hear" the other side's facts and opinions. Well, I ask you who is the other side? The polar bear that has to swim 60 miles to find land (ice); only to find in its place more water? Or that at least 279 species of plants and animals are already responding to global warming, moving closer to the poles.

I may be paraphrasing Al Gore here, but it is a great quote: "It's not the earth that I am worried about, its the humans". - Al Gore, An Inconventient Truth (novel)

Enough said. Save the humans. Join Al Gore (who was totally robbed of the presidency)at

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